Bibliography listing of LEAP projects and reports, with links to external document where available

Exploring the Influence of Structured Familiarization to an Adjustable, Passive Load-Bearing Exoskeleton on Oxygen Consumption and Lower Limb Muscle Activation During Walking 
Diamond-Ouellette, G., Le Quang, M., Karakolis, T., Bouyer, L. J., & Best, K. L. (2024). IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

United States Marine Corps Armor Plate Mobility Evaluation: 2022 MCLEAP Trial Report
Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (2024). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program: 2024 Trial Report
Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (2024). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Exploring the Influence of Structured Familiarization to an Adjustable, Passive Load-Bearing Exoskeleton on Oxygen Consumption and Lower Limb Muscle Activation During Walking
Diamond-Ouellette, G., Le Quang, M., Karakolis, T., Bouyer, L. J., & Best, K. L. (2024). IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

Effects of different load carriage systems on LEAP performance, mobility, and perceived comfort in male and female police officers 
Hesen, E , Mol, D., Klous, L., Golembiewski, S., & Catoire, M. (2023, September 12-14). Sixth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, London, England  

Fitness assessment tests predict operational performance on standardised LEAP obstacle course  
Linssen, L., Catoire, M., Lugtenberg, M., Noorlander, E., & Gijsbertse, K. (2023, September 12-14). Sixth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, London, England 

The effects of survival-run training on creativity and physical adaptivity 
Gijsbertse, K., Catoire, M., Lugtenberg, M., Noorlander, E., & Linssen, L. (2023, September 12-14). Sixth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, London, England 

Measuring the effects of concurrent and subsequent physical activity on cognitive performance by using the Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP) obstacle environment 
Binsch, O., Landman, A., Linssen, L., Reinten, J., & Hogenelst, K. (2023, September 12-14). Sixth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, London, England

Preliminary Head-Supported Mass Performance Guidance for Dismounted Soldier Environments 
Madison, A. M., Holderfield, M. R., Olszko, A. V., Novotny, B., McGovern, S. M., Brozoski, F. T., Shivers, B.L. & Chancey, V. C. (2023). Military Medicine, 188(Supplement_6), 520-528.

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program: 2022 Trial Report
Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (2023). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Obstacle course activity in soldiers impedes recall but not learning of a read text
Martin, B. C. (2022). Obstacle course activity in soldiers impedes recall but not learning of a read text. Military Psychology, 1-12. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08995605.2021.2002104

A data-driven framework for assessing soldier performance, health, and survivability
Mavor, M. P., Gruevski, K. M., Ross, G. B., Akhavanfar, M., Clouthier, A. L., Bossi, L. L., Karakolis, T. & Graham, R. B. (2022). A data-driven framework for assessing soldier performance, health, and survivability. Applied Ergonomics, 104, 103809. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003687022001326

Novel approaches for investigating the soldier survivability tradespace  
Mavor, M. (2022). (Doctoral dissertation, Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa). 

Quantifying Survivability via Measurement of Bodily Exposure During Simulated Combat Engagements
Brown, S. A., Hancock, C. L., & Mitchell, K. B. (2021, July). Quantifying Survivability via Measurement of Bodily Exposure During Simulated Combat Engagements. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 19-27). Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-79763-8_3

Quantifying warfighter performance during a bounding rush (prone-sprinting-prone) maneuver
Davidson, S. P., Cain, S. M., Ojeda, L., Zaferiou, A. M., Vitali, R. V., Stirling, L. A., & Perkins, N. C. (2021). Quantifying warfighter performance during a bounding rush (prone-sprinting-prone) maneuver. Applied ergonomics, 94, 103382. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003687021000296

The effects of mass, bulk and stiffness of personal protective equipment and clothing on physical performance when performing a military mobility obstacle course
Gijsbertse, K., Linssen, L., Woering, A., & Catoire, M. (2021). The effects of mass, bulk and stiffness of personal protective equipment and clothing on physical performance when performing a military mobility obstacle course. Applied Ergonomics, 95, 103448. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003687021000958

The Added Value of Musculoskeletal Simulation for the Study of Physical Performance in Military Tasks
Kessels, I., Koopman, B., Verdonschot, N., Marra, M., & Gijsbertse, K. (2021). The Added Value of Musculoskeletal Simulation for the Study of Physical Performance in Military Tasks. Sensors, 21(16), 5588. https://www.mdpi.com/1235220

Prototype of adaptive, multispectral camouflage for the soldier
Santos, G., Barbosa, A., Barros, A., Silva, A., Moura, I., Pimenta, J., Dias, D. Bogas, S., Leite, A. & Machado, V. (2021, September). Prototype of adaptive, multispectral camouflage for the soldier. In Target and Background Signatures VII (Vol. 11865, pp. 160-166). SPIE. https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/11865/118650J/Prototype-of-adaptive-multispectral-camouflage-for-the-soldier/10.1117/12.2600056.short?SSO=1

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program: Plate Study
Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (2021). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

The effect of body armour design on soldier combat mobility
Bossi, L., Morton, A., Jones, M., Gruevski, K., & Karakolis, T. (2020, February 11-14). The effect of body armour design on soldier combat mobility. Fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Isolated and combined effects of mass, bulk and stiffness of clothing and equipment on leap performance using a newly developed clothing and equipment characteristics suit
Gijsbertse, K., Linssen, L., Woering, A., & Catoire, M. (2020). Isolated and combined effects of mass, bulk and stiffness of clothing and equipment on leap performance using a newly developed clothing and equipment characteristics suit. In 5th International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance (ICSPP), 11-14 February 2020, Quebec City, Canada (p. 97).

A Pilot Investigation of the Influence of a Passive Military Exoskeleton on the Performance of Lab-Simulated Operational Tasks
Gruevski, K. M., Cameron, I. J., McGuinness, C., Sy, A., Best, K. L., Bouyer, L., Diamon-Oullette, G., Graham, R.B., & Karakolis, T. (2020). A Pilot Investigation of the Influence of a Passive Military Exoskeleton on the Performance of Lab-Simulated Operational Tasks. IISE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors, 8(4), 195-203. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24725838.2021.1912852

The effect of soft armour coverage and fatigue on soldier performance during the load effects assessment program (LEAP)
Gruevski, K., Graham, R., Karakolis, T., Morton, A., & Bossi, L. (2020, February 11-14). The effect of soft armour coverage and fatigue on soldier performance during the load effects assessment program (LEAP). Fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

The effect of load-induced mobility decrement on soldier vulnerability to enemy fire in a danger crossing scenario
Morton, A., Bray-Miners, J., Tack, D., Ueno, K., & Bossi, L. (2020, February 11-14). The effect of load-induced mobility decrement on soldier vulnerability to enemy fire in a danger crossing scenario. Fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Impact of light-weight hard armour systems on Marine vulnerability
Richter, M., Tack, D., & Morton, A. (2020, February 11-14). Impact of light-weight hard armour systems on Marine vulnerability. Fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Impact of light-weight hard armour systems on Marine mobility performance
Tack, D., Morton, A., Nakaza, E., & Richter, M. (2020, February 11-14). Impact of light-weight hard armour systems on Marine mobility performance. Fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Soldier Optimal Load Assessment Research (SOLAR)
Woering, A. A., Publiek, S. T., Publiek, R. T., & Publiek, B. T. (2020). Eindrapportage V1605 Soldier Optimal Load Assessment Research (SOLAR) (No. TNO 2020 R10774). TNO. https://publications.tno.nl/publication/34636775/7ZpiJS/TNO-2020-R10774.pdf

Preliminary development of an integrated mobility, lethality, and survivability soldier performance testing platform
Brown, S. A., & Mitchell, K. B. (2019, July). Preliminary development of an integrated mobility, lethality, and survivability soldier performance testing platform. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 153-164). Springer, Cham. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1082277.pdf

Assessing the Impact of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE) on Soldier Physical, Biomechanical, and Cognitive Performance. Part 2: Data Analysis
Giles, G. E., Hancock, C. L., Eddy, M. D., Hasselquist, L., Mitchell, K. B., Brown, S. A., Villa, J., Hennessy, E., & Caruso, C. (2019). Assessing the Impact of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE) on Soldier Physical, Biomechanical, and Cognitive Performance. Part 2: Data Analysis. Soldier Center Natick Ma Natick United States. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1082165.pdf

Advancing Inertial Measurement Unit Technology for Human Biomechanics and Engineering Education
Vitali, R. (2019). Advancing Inertial Measurement Unit Technology for Human Biomechanics and Engineering Education (Doctoral dissertation). https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/153341/vitalir_1.pdf?sequence=1

Human crawling performance and technique revealed by inertial measurement units
Vitali, R. V., Cain, S. M., Davidson, S. P., & Perkins, N. C. (2019). Human crawling performance and technique revealed by inertial measurement units. Journal of biomechanics, 84, 121-128. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002192901830928X

Effects of weapon weight and length on Soldier mobility performance using the Can-Leap simulated combat mobility course (winter 2014)
Kelly, A., E., & Zemsta, N. K. (2019). DRDC-RDDC-2019-C026.

Lightweight Plate Evaluation: Mobility and Vulnerability Effects
Tack, D.W., Morton, A., Nakaza, E., Sorgini, C., & Bray-Miners, J. (2019). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Body-worn IMU array reveals effects of load on performance in an outdoor obstacle course
Vitali, R. V., Cain, S. M., Ojeda, L. V., Potter, M. V., Zaferiou, A. M., Davidson, S. P., Coyne, M.E., Hancock, C.L., Mendoza, A., Stirling, L.A., & Perkins, N. C. (2019). PLoS One, 14(3), e0214008.

Methodologies for evaluating the effects of physical augmentation technologies on soldier performance
Crowell, H. P., Kanagaki, G. B., O’Donovan, M. P., Haynes, C. A., Park, J. H., Neugebauer, J. M., Hennessy, E.R., Boynton, A.C., Mitchell, K.B., Tweedel, A.J., & Girolamo, H. J. (2018). Methodologies for evaluating the effects of physical augmentation technologies on soldier performance. US Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground United States. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1057611.pdf

Understanding how soldier load effects soldier performance
Gilliam, A., Jaros, P., Park, M., & Evangelista, P. (2018). Understanding how soldier load effects soldier performance. In Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management. (pp. 1-8). American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM). https://www.proquest.com/openview/816bb1177f05a68d144f5bc9100e3352/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2037614

Assessing the Impact of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE) on Soldier Physical, Biomechanical, and Cognitive Performance Part 1: Test Methodology
Hasselquist, L., Eddy, M. D., Mitchell, K. B., Brown, S. A., McNamara, J., Hancock, C. L., & Caruso, C. (2018). Assessing the Impact of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE) on Soldier Physical, Biomechanical, and Cognitive Performance Part 1: Test Methodology. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center Ma Natick United States. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1047926.pdf

The Sensitivity and Role of Equipment Bulk on a Military Mission Oriented Obstacle Course
Mitchell, K. B., Brown, S. A., Villa, J., & Garlie, T. N. (2018, September). The Sensitivity and Role of Equipment Bulk on a Military Mission Oriented Obstacle Course. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 1419-1423). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1541931218621323

Impact of Physical Fatigue State on Military Mission Oriented Obstacle Course Timing Performance
Mitchell, K. B., DeSimone, L., & Brown, S. A. (2018, September). Impact of Physical Fatigue State on Military Mission Oriented Obstacle Course Timing Performance. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 1424-1428). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1541931218621324

A Modular Scalable Protection System
Morton, A., Bray-Miners, J., Sorgini, C., Martins, B., (2018). A Modular Scalable Protection System. Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

The Effects of Burden-Induced Mobility Decrements on Vulnerability to Enemy Fire
Morton, A., Bray-Miners, J., Tack, D. (2018). The Effects of Burden-Induced Mobility Decrements on Vulnerability to Enemy Fire. In fulfillment of contract W8486-161543-07; SA – Linda Bossi. Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

Range of motion measurement reliability for the Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program
Morton, A., Sorgini, C., Bray-Miners, J., Yu, M., & Sam, N. (2018). Range of motion measurement reliability for the Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program. Defence Research and Development Canada, Toronto Research Centre , Toronto ON (CAN);Humansystems Inc, Guelph ONT (CAN) Report Number: DRDC-RDDC-2018-C120 https://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc328/p808215_A1b.pdf

Consensus paper on testing and evaluation of military exoskeletons for the dismounted combatant
Mudie, K. L., Boynton, A. C., Karakolis, T., O’Donovan, M. P., Kanagaki, G. B., Crowell, H. P., Begg, R.K., LaFiandra, M.E., & Billing, D. C. (2018). Consensus paper on testing and evaluation of military exoskeletons for the dismounted combatant. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 21(11), 1154-1161. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1440244018301683

Load-embedded inertial measurement unit reveals lifting performance
Tammana, A., McKay, C., Cain, S. M., Davidson, S. P., Vitali, R. V., Ojeda, L., Stirling, L., & Perkins, N. C. (2018). Load-embedded inertial measurement unit reveals lifting performance. Applied ergonomics, 70, 68-76. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S000368701830022X

Preliminary development of test methods to evaluate lower body wearable robots for human performance augmentation
Carlson, B., Norton, A., & Yanco, H. (2017). Preliminary development of test methods to evaluate lower body wearable robots for human performance augmentation. In Advances in Cooperative Robotics (pp. 143-157). https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789813149137_0020

Determining the maximum acceptable length of a hard ballistic plate
Furnell, A., Molloy, R., Jaffrey, M., & Daniell, N. (2017). Determining the maximum acceptable length of a hard ballistic plate. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, S137-S138. https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(17)31552-9/fulltext#relatedArticles

Methodologies for assessing the effects of soldier load on biomechanical, physical and cognitive performance
Hasselquist, L. (2017). Methodologies for assessing the effects of soldier load on biomechanical, physical and cognitive performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, S5. https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(17)31055-1/abstract

Methodology for the Assessment of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE)
Hasselquist, L., Eddy, M., Blake Mitchell, K., Hancock, C. L., McNamara, J., & Caruso, C. (2017, July). Methodology for the Assessment of Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE). In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 30-41). Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-60822-8_3

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program
Heinrich, D., & Rahbek, D. B. (2017). Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (MC-LEAP) erfaringer og anbefaling. https://ffi-publikasjoner.archive.knowledgearc.net/bitstream/handle/20.500.12242/2263/17-01655.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Viability of using a wearable assistive device to reduce soldier burden
Karakolis, T., & Bossi, L. L. (2017). Viability of using a wearable assistive device to reduce soldier burden. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, S99. https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(17)31502-5/fulltext

Determination of orientation and practice requirements when using an obstacle course for mobility performance assessment
Karakolis, T., Sinclair, B. A., Kelly, A., Terhaar, P., & Bossi, L. L. (2017). Determination of orientation and practice requirements when using an obstacle course for mobility performance assessment. Human Factors, 59(4), 535-545. https://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc268/p805205_A1b.pdf

Inertial sensor and cluster analysis for discriminating agility run technique and quantifying changes across load
McGinnis, R. S., Cain, S. M., Davidson, S. P., Vitali, R. V., McLean, S. G., & Perkins, N. C. (2017). Inertial sensor and cluster analysis for discriminating agility run technique and quantifying changes across load. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 32, 150-156. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1746809416301768

The relationship between physical fitness and military operational obstacle course performance times
Mitchell, K. B., Batty, J. M., Coyne, M. E., DeSimone, L. L., & Choi, H. J. (2017). The relationship between physical fitness and military operational obstacle course performance times. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, S118. https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(17)31474-3/abstract

Soldier load effect considerations for material acquisition
Murray, S., Pattillo, A., Robertson, M., Ross, T., & Evangelista, P. (2017). Soldier load effect considerations for material acquisition. In Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management. (pp. 1-8). American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM). https://www.proquest.com/openview/b4a434c0abe8212d28c15275cc171782/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2037614

How soldier equipment affects soldier mobility results from LEAP tests at US Marine Corps facilities
Rahbek, D. B., & Heinrich, D. (2017). Hvordan soldatutrustningen påvirker mobiliteten til soldaten resultater fra LEAP-tester ved US Marine Corps’ fasiliteter.

Load effects assessment program (LEAP) obstacle course data collection with 82nd airborne division  
Mitchell, K.B. (2017, Aug). [Memorandum]. Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center (NSRDEC); Natick, MA 

Evaluation of weight effects on a soldier physical readiness test course
Batty, J.M., Coyne, M.E., DeSimone, L.L., Mitchell, K.B., Bensel, C.K. (2016). Evaluation of weight effects on a soldier physical readiness test course. In: Proceedings of the 2016 American Biomechanics Society. Raleigh, NC

A Preliminary investigation of the effect of protective clothing weight, bulk and stiffness on combat mobility course performance
Bossi, L. L., Jones, M. L., Kelly, A., & Tack, D. W. (2016, September). A Preliminary investigation of the effect of protective clothing weight, bulk and stiffness on combat mobility course performance. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 702-706). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc284/p805702_A1b.pdf

Combat Movement Testing with Varying Load Conditions: Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program (CAN-LEAP)
Bray-Miners, J., Kelly, A. (2016). Combat Movement Testing with Varying Load Conditions: Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program (CAN-LEAP), Borden. In fulfillment of contract W8486-151543; SA – Linda Bossi. Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

CAN-LEAP Simulated Combat Mobility Performance: Summary Results of Testing with Varying In-Service CBRN Equipment Conditions
Bray-Miners, J., Kelly, A. (2016). CAN-LEAP Simulated Combat Mobility Performance: Summary Results of Testing with Varying In-Service CBRN Equipment Conditions (Borden, 2013). In fulfillment of contract W8486-151543; SA – Michel DuCharme & Linda Bossi. Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

Quantifying performance and effects of load carriage during a challenging balancing task using an array of wireless inertial sensors
Cain, S. M., McGinnis, R. S., Davidson, S. P., Vitali, R. V., Perkins, N. C., & McLean, S. G. (2016). Quantifying performance and effects of load carriage during a challenging balancing task using an array of wireless inertial sensors. Gait & posture, 43, 65-69. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0966636215009315

Joint Small Arms Technology Development Strategy for Joint Service Small Arms Science and Technology Investments
Halpern, B. H. (2016). Joint Small Arms Technology Development Strategy for Joint Service Small Arms Science and Technology Investments. Joint Service Small Arms Program Picatinny Arsenal United States. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1004913.pdf

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (MC-LEAP)-a standardized test methodology for dismounted soldier systems applicable for Norway?
Heinrich, D. (2016). Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (MC-LEAP)-a standardized test methodology for dismounted soldier systems applicable for Norway?. https://ffi-publikasjoner.archive.knowledgearc.net/bitstream/handle/20.500.12242/1192/15-01601.pdf?sequence=1

Combat Movement Testing with Varying Load Conditions: Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program (Can-Leap)
Kelly, A.E., Bray-Miners, J., Davis, S.A., Evans, J. (2016). Combat Movement Testing with Varying Load Conditions: Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program (Can-Leap) Petawawa. In fulfillment of contract W8486-161543-08; SA – Linda Bossi. Toronto, ON: Defence Research Canada.

Reliability analysis of time to complete the obstacle course portion of the load effects assessment program (LEAP)
Mitchell, K. B., Batty, J. M., Coyne, M. E., DeSimone, L. L., & Bensel, C. K. (2016). Reliability analysis of time to complete the obstacle course portion of the load effects assessment program (LEAP). Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center MA NATICK United States. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1019936.pdf

Impact of weight on military mission oriented obstacle course performance
Mitchell, K.B., Batty, J.M., Coyne, M.E., DeSimone, L.L., Choi, H.J., Gregorczyk, K.N., Bensel, C.K. (2016). Impact of weight on military mission oriented obstacle course performance. Poster presentation at the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL

Combat effectiveness and sleep patterns in US Marines
Shattuck, N. L., Shattuck, L. G., & Matsangas, P. (2016, September). Combat effectiveness and sleep patterns in US Marines. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 886-890). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1541931213601202

Preliminary head/neck kinematics assessment during load effects assessment program – Army (LEAP-A) course navigation
Shivers, B.L., Holderfield, M.R., Madison, A.M., McEntire, B.J., Chancey, V.C. (2016) Preliminary head/neck kinematics assessment during load effects assessment program – Army (LEAP-A) course navigation. Verbal scientific presentation. SAFE Symposium 2016, 2016 October 31, Dayton, OH.

CAN LEAP Marksmanship Analysis of Previous Trials
Bray-Miners, J., & Kelly, A. (2015). CAN LEAP Marksmanship Analysis of Previous Trials. Presentation.  Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

Soldier load benchmark evaluation
Dutton, B., Stryker, T. (2015). Soldier load benchmark evaluation. Battle Lab Project Number 0338. Fort Benning, GA

CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Training Effects: Results Summary
Kelly, A., Tack, D. Bray-Miners, J. (2015).  CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Training Effects: Results Summary. Presentation. Toronto, ON: Prepared for Defence Research and Development Canada.

CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Effects of Pre-Fatiguing Exercise: Results Summary
Kelly, A., Tack, D. Bray-Miners, J. (2015).  CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Effects of Pre-Fatiguing Exercise: Results Summary. Presentation. Toronto, ON: Defence Research and Development Canada.

A digital tool for soldier equipment management-soldier system calculator
Heinrich, D., & Sjøl, H. (2015). Et digitalt verktøy for soldatutstyrsforvaltning-soldatsystemkalkulator. https://ffi-publikasjoner.archive.knowledgearc.net/bitstream/handle/20.500.12242/1032/15-00258.pdf?sequence=1

CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Training Effects: Results Summary
Kelly, A., Tack, D. Bray-Miners, J. (2015). CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Training Effects: Results Summary. Presentation. Prepared for Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto Research Centre.

CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Effects of Pre-Fatiguing Exercise: Results Summary
Kelly, A., Tack, D. Bray-Miners, J. (2015). CAN LEAP 2015 Winter Experimentation Effects of Pre-Fatiguing Exercise: Results Summary. Presentation. Prepared for Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto Research Centre.

Comparison of CAN-LEAP and MC-LEAP Data
Osborne, A., Kelly, A., Tack, D. (2015). Comparison of CAN-LEAP and MC-LEAP Data. Presentation. Prepared for Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto Research

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (Mc-Leap): Darwin 2014 Experimentation Campaign
Kelly, A., Bray-Miners, J., Evans, J., Nakaza, E., Morton, A., & Ste. Croix, C. (2015). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program (Mc-Leap): Soi-E 2014 Experimentation Campaign
Kelly, A., Bray-Miners, J., Evans, J., Nakaza, E., Morton, A., & Ste. Croix, C. (2015). Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.

Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): Sensitivity of LEAP to operationally-relevant clothing and equipment conditions
Bossi, L., Kelly, A., Wojtarowicz, D., Jones, M., & DuCharme, M. (2014). Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): Sensitivity of LEAP to operationally-relevant clothing and equipment conditions. In 3rd International Congress on Soldier’s Physical Performance. https://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc194/p801008_A1b.pdf

Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): A systematic multinational approach to understand and address soldier physical burden
Bossi, L., Richter, M., Tack, D., Kelly, A., Patterson, M., & LaFiandra, M. (2014). Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): A systematic multinational approach to understand and address soldier physical burden. In Poster presented at the 3rd International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Boston, MAhttps://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc194/p801010_A1b.pdf

Technical memorandum: observation report for the load effects assessment program–army (LEAP-A) pilot evaluation
Brewster, F. W. (2014). Technical memorandum: observation report for the load effects assessment program–army (LEAP-A) pilot evaluation, 1–12 December 2014. Maneuver Battle Lab, Fort Benning, GA.

Intra- and inter-individual reproducibility of the CAN-LEAP obstacle course
DuCharme, M. B., Jones, M. L. H., Terhaar, P., Pavlovic, N., Kelly, A., Wojtarowicz, D., & Bossi, L. M. (2014). Intra- and inter-individual reproducibility of the CAN-LEAP obstacle course. In Poster presented at the 3rd International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance, Boston, MAhttps://cradpdf.drdc-rddc.gc.ca/PDFS/unc194/p800980_A1b.pdf

Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): Creation, Evolution and Lessons Learned
Kelly, A., Richter, M., Tack, D., Ueno, K., TerHaar, P., Wojtarowicz, D., & Bossi, L. (2014, August). Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): Creation, Evolution and Lessons Learned. Abstract and Poster Presentation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Soldier Physical Performance (ICSPP), Boston, MA, USA (pp. 18-21).

Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program
Richter, M. (2014, August). Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program. Abstract and Poster Presentation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Soldier Physical Performance (ICSPP), Boston, MA, USA (pp. 18-21).

United States Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program: An Emerging Mobility Assessment Metric
Richter, M., McCarthy, S., & Balcius, J.A. (December, 2014) United States Marine Corps Load Effects Assessment Program: An Emerging Mobility Assessment Metric. Poster session accepted for the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 2014 Annual Meeting, Washington DC

CAN-LEAP winter 2014 experimentation: Future Small Arms Research (FSAR) study
Kelly, A.E. & Zemsta, N.K. (2014). Contractor Report submitted by HumanSystems Inc., in partial fulfillment of PWGSC Contract No. W7711-088136/001/TOR. Toronto, CA: Defence Research and Development Canada.

CAN-LEAP summary of results — Fall 2012 experimentation series
Bray-Miners, J., & Kelly, A. (2013). CAN-LEAP summary of results — Fall 2012 experimentation series (Contractor Report submitted by HumanSystems Inc., in partial fulfillment of PWGSC Contract No. W8486-094085/001/TOR). Toronto, CA: Defence Research and Development Canada.

The effects of sleep on the performance of Marines following exposure to waterborne motion
Gelpi, C. (2013). The effects of sleep on the performance of Marines following exposure to waterborne motion. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Ca Dept of Operations Research. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA580157.pdf

Changes in reaction times and executive decision-making following exposure to waterborne motion
Shattuck, N. L., Shattuck, L. G., Smith, K., & Matsangas, P. (2013, September). Changes in reaction times and executive decision-making following exposure to waterborne motion. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 1987-1991). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA591317.pdf

Preliminary results of MC-LEAP testing of U.S. Marine Corps combat load order configurations
Tack, D., Kelly, A., Richter, M., & Bray-Miners, J. (2012). Preliminary results of MC-LEAP testing of U.S. Marine Corps combat load order configurations. Quantico, VA: U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command.